The teachers are set to barricade that fear of failure by developing a modules on how to make the dull students become bright. There is no room for procrastination but more rooms for each teacher to deliver the dullest of child with love to becoming the best version of himself/ herself.
Our goal is to take education to the highest level in Nigeria, Africa and the whole world at large. We want to equate high schools in western world if not surpass them. We want to create citadel of learning where there will be a zero tolerance for immorality and laxity while we propagate discipline, drive and love towards education.
We believe in integrity, discipline and excellence. We never say NO , our slogan is Yes . And yes we can do it. When you are surrounded with the best hands in their respective fields, fear of failure disappears and success is assured. For we are the best, we are Bestgift Academy.